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Activate your authority

God has already given you all the authority. Activate it.

"People who have legitimate authority don’t have to strive or be angry or seek control. " - Lynn Eldridge

My ways aren’t always God’s ways.

I woke up this morning knowing I’ve been trying to make some things happen in a situation and I’ve been trying my best. However, my ways aren’t necessarily God’s ways.

I’ve been pressing and striving in anger to control this situation. I’ve been hard with people and not responding well when I’m met with resistance. All because I think I know best.

People who have legitimate authority don’t have to strive or be angry or seek control. Instead, they respond in their authority and with their authority and get the job done. When I feel like I don’t have control, I need to put my trust in God because he has all the authority.

I have to activate the authority He has given to me by believing Him when he says: “All things work out for [my] good.” My faith activates His promises.

Guard your heart and remember, stress causes dis-ease which causes diseases and there’s always a better way.



Lynn Eldridge Intl

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by Lynn Eldridge


Media Contact:

Christine Johnson

*For educational purpose only. This is Biblically based and Holy Spirit leading. This is not counseling by a licensed therapist or MD. If needed please seek professional medical help.

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