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Choose the filter you see through

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23

"I must keep my eyes on God because I know that He is good! I’m trusting God." - Lynn Eldridge

Proverbs 4 Says above all guard the affection of your heart for from there so all the issues of life.

So if I know I have an emotional relationship with food I need to guard my heart against any unforgiveness or anything else that might be ‘eating me’ from the inside out.

I need to watch my emotional relationship with my finances and not binge on ‘retail therapy’.

I need to have emotional relationships with my friends and family but most of all with my relationship with myself and God.

I cannot afford to be offended judge mental insecure full of fear and anxiety expecting negative things to happen.

I must keep my eyes on God because I know that He is good! I’m trusting God.

My hope and my expectations are in Him.

I have to choose my attitude and be forever grateful in all things because all things work for my good.

I get to choose which filter to see through; the filter of faith and love or the filter of fear. Only one of those can bring me hope and life.



Lynn Eldridge Intl

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by Lynn Eldridge


Media Contact:

Christine Johnson

*For educational purpose only. This is Biblically based and Holy Spirit leading. This is not counseling by a licensed therapist or MD. If needed please seek professional medical help.

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