Insecurity is one of the ditches the enemy wants us to fall into.

"I am the head and not the tail. Above and not beneath. I am blessed and highly favored." - Lynn Eldridge
The enemy wants us in the ditches not on the road to our destiny.
An “alias” for insecurity can be the religious spirit which always want to punish with thoughts of self condemnation, self criticism, self rejection, self judgment, etc and then it wants me to be critical of God and others too. It’s a spiritual filter not based on the Truth of God.
The ditch on the other side of the road is pride, superiority, arrogance which comes with the fruit of strife, tension to mask shame and unbelief in the Truth of what the righteousness of Christ does for us.
It’s not because we’re good. It’s because He’s good!
I am the head and not the tail. Above and not beneath. I am blessed and highly favored.
I am created in His image which is beautiful and amazing, powerfully loved and ravished by Him.
His thoughts for me are more than the sands of the sea.
If He is for me then who cares who’s against me.
I am loved. My job is to be loved and to love the one in front of me.
You are the beloved.
So be loved that your joy may be full.