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Pay the price

"Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Matthew 16:24-25 ESV

"Changing the world is not cheap. " - Lynn Eldridge

The world needs women and men that will stand up and be willing to “pay the price“.

People that will deny themselves and take up their cross.

People that will partner up with the Lord to change the world.

Changing the world is not cheap. It comes with a price.

I’m grateful for all of God’s children that have paid the price so I can do my part today too.

I’m grateful for the lives of those who choose to live not for themselves but for the advantage of the gospel.

I’m grateful for having one of these amazing people in my life. It was really nice to see Dr. Heidi Baker again at VOA last week!

She's one of the greatest women I know that choose to "pay the price", and I'm grateful I call her a friend.

Dr. Heidi Baker's completely surrendered to God.

I want to be remembered like that too. I want to be one of those who lived for Christ.

So today, I choose to take up my cross and follow Him.

Today, I choose to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Knowing that my higher prize is His love for me.



Lynn Eldridge Intl

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by Lynn Eldridge


Media Contact:

Christine Johnson

*For educational purpose only. This is Biblically based and Holy Spirit leading. This is not counseling by a licensed therapist or MD. If needed please seek professional medical help.

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