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Respond, don't react.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." - Proverbs 4:23 NIV

"Each conflict in life is an opportunity to learn new tools. " - Lynn Eldridge

Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

Growing up, I was taught to use emotional force. The way of my family was control, intimidation, and threats. There’s never a healthy outcome in that - only wounded people, broken hearts, broken relationships, unforgiveness, bitterness, and judgment.

This isn’t the way of healthy people, it’s the way of a 12-year-old bully with no legitimate authority. When a 12-year-old is hurt they go to school and bully their peers to make themselves feel better. The sad fact is that many adults are just like these bullies.

I have to choose to either be part of the solution or become part of the problem. The truth is I have authority over my life, God has given me that authority. Authority over my thoughts, words, attitudes, habits, and behaviors.

I have to break the habit of reacting instead of responding. Each conflict in life is an opportunity to learn new tools.

The bottom line is you have to guard your heart and thoughts and attitudes because there’s absolutely no clarity in bad attitudes and negative thoughts and nothing good can come from threatening, controlling, and aggressive behaviors.

Today is a new day and I get to choose to learn new tools and to learn a new way. I have to give up the idea that fighting will bring a solution. It never has and it never will.

"Fighting will bring a solution. It never has and it never will." - Lynn Eldridge


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by Lynn Eldridge


Media Contact:

Christine Johnson

*For educational purpose only. This is Biblically based and Holy Spirit leading. This is not counseling by a licensed therapist or MD. If needed please seek professional medical help.

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