"Do not let your hearts be troubled..." John 14:1

"Be quick to forgive and release the ugly emotions to Jesus. Let Him heal your heart." - Lynn Eldridge
The war within can leave us without.
Without our deepest desires, love and life satisfaction. We have deep needs for love, family, acceptance and belonging.
It is our nature to nurture but we can only give what we’ve been given. What we have been given and choose to remain in will leave us empty, angry and accused as we live in internal and external conflict.
What is in us will come out.
Choose patience and forgiveness. Love overcomes all ugliness...inside and out. Choose to love God, yourself and others by tearing down the walls of pride and offense that baits us daily and sometimes hourly. Chose the high road and live in peace.
Love the unlovely and unlovable. Be quick to forgive and release the ugly emotions to Jesus. Let Him heal your heart. Love transforms those who choose it. Love looks like kindness and gentleness. I used to hate myself, I hated you and I thought I hated Jesus.
I really hated religion and all the superficial rules. The One who has healed me is the One who loved me unconditionally when I was hating Him on purpose.
I was addicted to offense and hate, drugs, alcohol and food.
Today I know love looks like Jesus. His love has healed my heart. I’m no longer anxious and bipolar. I don’t get my acceptance from others. I get it from the Beautiful One.
I got my healing and deliverance from a life of torment by turning to the One I thought I hated and asked Him for help.
He answered and now I’m His. I’m the Beloved’s.